Innovation Strategy ▪ Big Data ▪ Machine Intelligence ▪ Exponential Thinking ▪ Medical Informatics ▪ Emergency Medicine

    • CEO and Founder of HealthLab
    • Previous Partner-level executive in Microsoft
    • Helped build and sell companies to WebMD & Microsoft
    • Over 10 years experience directing innovation labs in Washington D.C. and Microsoft
    • Founding Director of Microsoft Healthcare Innovation Lab
    • Dual-board certified in emergency medicine and medical informatics
    • Chief Clinical Judge, Qualcomm Tricorder XPRIZE, Judge for the Nokia Sensing XPRIZE and Judge for the IBM AI XPRIZE
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    "In God we trust. All others must bring data"
    -W. Edwards Deming


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    Exponential Data: Thriving and Surviving in the Age of Big Data


    It is said that if you are not becoming a software company today, you are on the road to disruption by a competitor that is. Leveraging data is core to that transition. Exponentially advancing trends in AI, big compute, data automation, sensors, and the emerging "Internet of Minds" are changing every aspect of how we leverage, manage, and execute data strategy in our companies today. From data liquidity to centricity, late binding, and virtuous cycles, the foundation of building data strategies to prepare for inevitable futures is more important than ever to survive and thrive in this age of exponentials.

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    The Timeless Quest: Longevity, Personal Healthspan, and the Future of Your Business


    Dive into the captivating world of longevity and bio+health. This talk reveals the exponential trends in the rising Age of Biotech as we uncover the innovative strategies and groundbreaking research shaping our future. Explore the fascinating interplay between Big Data, AI and Bio+Health that have transformed the landscape of what we can do for our own lives today and what's soon to come.


    Beyond personal health, also discover how advances in longevity technologies and the rising trillion sensor world are revolutionizing the business landscape, offering every company the choice of whether and how to become a fitness and wellness company. As you rethink the boundaries of human potential, prepare to unlock the secrets of a life well-lived and the strategies to navigate a rapidly changing world where businesses and individuals flourish by defying the limits of time.


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    Exponential Healthcare: The Future is Closer than You Think


    Some say healthcare trends are linear and point to costs that are rising and treatments that are slow to arrive. This view sees islands of stasis while missing oceans of exponential change. Exponential trends in data, computation, machine learning, and biotech are transforming the future opportunities in healthcare and emergency delivery. This talk aims to give a glimpse of the leading scalpel’s edge of digital health trends to help those ride and thrive through the next waves of revolution in healthcare.

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    Over 100 Lectures Delivered

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    Former Founding Partner of MS Innovation Lab

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    Director of Over 40 Technology Projects

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    11 Health IT Patents

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    Chief Clinical Judge for the IBM AI XPrize

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    Over 1,000 Journal Citations


    "Mind blown...

    ...what data I’m wasting…to ...deliver customer benefits."

    Google Australia
    & Singularity University

    "....brilliant session... amazing advances in the field of medicine..."


    "…Great insights...clear and inspiring"

    Exponential Innovation Program

    Singularity University

    "Significant eye opener ...Wonderful presentation."

    Digital Healthcare Delivery - Singularity University

  • Contact me for a Keynote Speaker

    Or have another request? Contact Dr. Gillam below: